You may find the latter simpler to use because it gives you control over the sliders and lets you set their values that way, while the former forces you to draw the equalizer yourself. A low pass filter helps if your audio is too high-pitched, while a high pass filter comes in handy if the audio sounds too low or too muffled. They are located in the bottom half of the Effects menu. The main thing you should do is change up the ratio, but you can also change up the noise floor and threshold if necessary. If you want to edit the whole file, press Ctrl+A on Windows or Command+A on Mac.
You can do this by clicking on one end of the segment and dragging the mouse until you reach the other. Select the segment of the audio file you’d like to edit.Click on the file you want to edit, then click Open.At the bottom of the window, change Files of type to All supported types. After downloading and starting Audacity, follow these steps: